Changing tables – tips and advice


Changing your baby’s nappy is a must. And even if it’s not absolutely necessary, a changing table is something that makes that task a little easier and (often) much more pleasant.

Nappy changing can often be a time when you get a little extra time to focus on each other. Often, you’ll make strong eye contact and be rewarded with a smile – especially if you relax and enjoy the moment. It can also be an opportunity to check your baby’s little body to make sure everything is as it should be. This will be a little easier if the changing table is at a good height so that the adult doesn’t have to bend down. There are going to be a number of trips to the changing table because in the beginning it is quite often time to change a nappy. Some children may find the changing table a bit boring, so a colourful mobile above it can be an exciting feature, or give them a fun little thing to hold.

There are really no rules for changing tables – except one: never turn your back.

Never look away!

It is absolutely essential that you never turn around or leave your baby when they are on the changing table. If your eyes need to look for a new nappy or wipe, place your hand safely on your baby’s tummy while you let your other hand pick up what you need or turn around quickly. This is because babies – even tiny ones – are fast and you never know when they will decide to roll over. Or crawl away. Even newborn babies, who seem so calm, can surprise you and bounce off the edge when you least expect it. One of the most common accidents involving young babies is falling off the changing table. Even if the changing table has edges, which most of them do, they do not provide 100% protection against the baby rolling over the edge.

Choosing a changing table

There are lots of different types of changing tables. Changing tables that can be placed over the bath, wall-mounted changing tables, or versions placed over the cot. It is not necessary to have a changing table in the bathroom, but proximity to water can be very helpful. Look around for some inspiration on how others have solved the changing table issue and you’ll get more ideas than you might need – it’s likely that the needs and spaces you have to work with are not entirely unique, and that someone else has had a good idea.

What do you need to go with the changing table?

Storage next to the changing table is a good idea, not just for nappies but also for wash cloths or baby wipes, baby oil and anything else you need for nappy changing that’s good to have around. A lot of parents also want a soft changing mat so that their baby doesn’t have to lie down on a hard surface. A bin to dispose of used nappies is a good idea, but you can also just put them in your household bin. We strongly recommend keeping a pedal bin next to the changing table – the lid can be very useful in preventing the smell of poo (as well as keeping any curious pets from investigating further).

Please note that all information above is based on Swedish recommendations.