Heartburn while pregnant? - helpful tips


Heartburn can be quite an annoying problem when your baby is growing and taking up more and more space in your belly. It isn’t dangerous, but it is a hassle. Read on to find tips for relief.

Why do you get heartburn when you’re pregnant?

About half of all pregnant people experience heartburn and indigestion – acid reflux. This tends to be more of an issue later in pregnancy, but it can also happen early on. Heartburn is caused by stomach acids rising up into the throat or mouth. As your belly grows and your hormones cause the sphincter muscle between the oesophagus and stomach to relax, it can lead to indigestion and heartburn. This can cause a painful burning sensation in your upper belly.

What can alleviate heartburn and indigestion when you’re pregnant?

Here are a few tips:

  • Eat small quantities frequently.
  • Avoid eating right before lying down.
  • Whole-grain breads can be soothing.
  • Drinks containing calcium, like milk and yoghurt, neutralise stomach acid.
  • Household remedies include almonds, sparkling water and bananas – give these a try and see if they work for you.
  • Avoid juice, coffee, tea, spicy foods, and oily, fried and deep-fried foods.
  • Rest with your head elevated on your bed, or use an extra pillow, so that you aren’t lying down completely flat.
  • Medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), ibuprofen and diclofenac can aggravate heartburn. These should generally be avoided during pregnancy, even if you don’t have heartburn. If you want to take something for pain, paracetamol is a better choice.

Medications for heartburn

If nothing else helps, try an over-the-counter medicine for heartburn from your pharmacy. Always tell the pharmacist you’re pregnant so that you get the right medicine. They work a little differently: some neutralise stomach acid to make it less sour; others create a foamy substance that forms a lid at the top of the stomach to keep stomach acid from rising up into the oesophagus.

When do you ask for help?

If the condition doesn’t improve after 2 to 3 weeks and you’ve tried these tips and over-the-counter medications, it’s a good idea to contact your doctor or midwife. A doctor may be able to prescribe you something if you are having intense symptoms that are not improving.

If you have heartburn combined with significant pain in your belly or chest, contact your doctor or midwife for advice!

Heartburn and indigestion are among many potentially troubling symptoms that can happen during pregnancy. If you’re wondering about more of the most common ailments of pregnancy, we’ve gathered some information for you here.

Please note that all information above is based on Swedish recommendations.