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Parent-child interaction

Both parents are likely to get upset if baby favours one parent for a time. This means that one of you always has to be around, rarely gets a break or rest, while the other of you feels rejected.

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Your baby's skin

Does your baby have spots, rash or dry skin? See below for facts and tips about babies' skin.

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The vital bonding process

Bonding simply means a strong emotional tie between two people who trust each other. According to psychologists, every baby needs to establish a strong bond with at least one person while growing up.

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Constipation in babies

Is baby upset, restless and not filling his nappy so much? Are his bowel movements irregular and very firm? Then he has constipation. A good rule of thumb is to keep your child hydrated with plenty of fluids and make sure he is physically active. Here are some tips and advice for relieving baby's constipation.

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Coughs and colds in children

Small children mostly breathe through their nose, which is why getting a cold is tough for them. Colds can also lead to long-term symptoms like an ear infection, asthma or croup. Here is some advice on how to help a baby with a cold and what you should keep an eye on.

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Helping your baby to sleep soundly

There is no universal method to get babies to sleep through the night without waking, but if baby's basic needs are met, you'll be well on the way to unbroken nights.

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High temperatures and febrile seizures in babies

Do you suspect your child is sick? Has their snot turned from clear to greenish yellow? Does your child feel hot and feverish? Here is some advice on what to do if your young child has a temperature.


Bottle feeding

Despite the many benefits of breast milk, some mothers are either unable or unwilling to breastfeed. The alternative is to bottle feed your baby with infant formula. Formula provides all the nutrition the baby needs, so you don't need to feel guilty or worried about not breastfeeding your infant.


At home with your baby - follow-ups and discussions

After childbirth, you are offered a follow-up with your midwife at the post-natal clinic. A suitable time is usually 8-12 weeks after you gave birth. If yours was a complicated delivery or a Caesarean, you'll usually see a doctor too.

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