Baby articles

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Parent-child interaction

Both parents are likely to get upset if baby favours one parent for a time. This means that one of you always has to be around, rarely gets a break or rest, while the other of you feels rejected.

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Your baby's skin

Does your baby have spots, rash or dry skin? See below for facts and tips about babies' skin.

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The vital bonding process

Bonding simply means a strong emotional tie between two people who trust each other. According to psychologists, every baby needs to establish a strong bond with at least one person while growing up.

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Constipation in babies

Is baby upset, restless and not filling his nappy so much? Are his bowel movements irregular and very firm? Then he has constipation. A good rule of thumb is to keep your child hydrated with plenty of fluids and make sure he is physically active. Here are some tips and advice for relieving baby's constipation.

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Coughs and colds in children

Small children mostly breathe through their nose, which is why getting a cold is tough for them. Colds can also lead to long-term symptoms like an ear infection, asthma or croup. Here is some advice on how to help a baby with a cold and what you should keep an eye on.

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Helping your baby to sleep soundly

There is no universal method to get babies to sleep through the night without waking, but if baby's basic needs are met, you'll be well on the way to unbroken nights.

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High temperatures and febrile seizures in babies

Do you suspect your child is sick? Has their snot turned from clear to greenish yellow? Does your child feel hot and feverish? Here is some advice on what to do if your young child has a temperature.


Bottle feeding

Despite the many benefits of breast milk, some mothers are either unable or unwilling to breastfeed. The alternative is to bottle feed your baby with infant formula. Formula provides all the nutrition the baby needs, so you don't need to feel guilty or worried about not breastfeeding your infant.


At home with your baby - follow-ups and discussions

After childbirth, you are offered a follow-up with your midwife at the post-natal clinic. A suitable time is usually 8-12 weeks after you gave birth. If yours was a complicated delivery or a Caesarean, you'll usually see a doctor too.


Co-sleeping and night feeds

Being woken over and over at night and getting up to breastfeed baby can be draining. Many breastfeeding mothers prefer to keep baby close at night. But babies and toddlers should have their own bedspace if you sleep in the same bed.


Home again after a Caesarean

Coming home with a newborn baby and a row of stitches across your tummy is a huge adjustment. It probably hurts and you need to look after yourself so you heal properly. Here's some good advice on how to manage at home after a Caesarean.


Breastfeeding twins

Do you have twins? Try breastfeeding your twins in different ways before leaving the hospital. Ask your midwife and the nurses for advice before leaving the hospital.


Baby care

Here you can find useful tips and advice on caring for your newborn baby's nails, navel, hair and skin


Changing table – advice and tips

All babies need their nappies changed. And if you plan it as well as possible for everyone, taking into consideration matters such as safety, your working position and function, it can be a special time. If you are calm and make sure everything's nice and comfortable, your baby will often reward you with a smile and deep eye contact.


The first few days at home with your baby

Home again, but with a little bundle in your arms. Huge congratulations and welcome home! There's a lot that probably isn't what you had expected at the beginning, but you'll soon get used to it.


Feeling low after childbirth.

Sitting there, holding that newborn baby in your arms is probably one of the happiest moments of your life. But at the same time you can feel vulnerable, sad or anxious for a while after childbirth.


Post-natal depression

Both men and women can be affected by post-natal depression. It's not uncommon and it's a heavy burden to bear alone. The sooner you seek help, the better the prognosis.


Postnatal depression in fathers

For both women and men, having a baby and becoming a parent is mentally demanding, existentially challenging, and an emotional rollercoaster. Having to cope with the upheaval and all the new thoughts that crop up, can lead to postpartum, or postnatal depression (PND).


Your paediatric centre and infant vaccination

What does a paediatric centre do and what illnesses are covered by the Swedish child vaccination programme?


Passive smoking and baby

If you or anyone in your family smokes, your baby will be a passive smoker. Passive smoking is bad for babies in several ways.


Illustration of motor development milestones, 0-18 months

Each child is unique and develops individually depending on his or her abilities and needs.


Vomiting in babies

It is entirely normal for infants to bring up a bit of milk after a feed. You may want to have a wash cloth or kitchen roll handy during feeds. However, if your baby seems to be vomiting, rather than just bringing up milk, and has fever or diarrhoea, it may mean your baby is poorly.


Newborns and sleep

A newborn baby eats and sleeps, and then eats and sleeps again for the first few months. Establishing sleep routines may help all of you adjust in this early phase.


Children's clothes – sizes and washing instructions

You may have bought clothes and other things for your baby before it was born. Or friends and relatives may have offered to buy some well-needed clothes. Remember not only to choose clothes in the smallest size, since your baby will grow out of them in a couple of weeks.


Exercising after childbirth.

It can be hard to find time for exercise when you still haven't got to grips with breastfeeding, sleep and a workable daily routine. But just as when you were pregnant, a tiny bit of exercise is better than nothing. To start with, pushchair walks and pelvic floor exercises are plenty.


After childbirth - facts, tips, advice for you if you've had a baby

What should I do about discharge and stitches? How do I pee if it hurts? What happens in the follow-up? Why am I crying, even though I'm happy? Well, a lot happens after a pregnancy and childbirth. Here are some answers to a few questions.


Heat stroke, dehydration and young children

Heat stroke and dehydration are potentially life-threatening conditions, particularly for young children. Kids can't control their temperature as well as we can, and so are extra sensitive to heat.


Newborn screening and newborn exams

If the mother and child are doing well after a hospital birth, they can usually go home after six to eight hours, although many have the option of staying one or two days. Before leaving a hospital or clinic, your baby should be checked by a paediatrician. You may be able to come back for the paediatrician's exam next day.


Your child's motor development from 0 to 6 months

All babies learn to control their muscles in the same order: first the face and neck, followed by arms, trunk and finally legs and feet. Babies learn to balance their head before they are able to sit, stand or walk.


Tips – how to calm a crying baby

All babies cry; it's an important way for them to communicate. During the first year, crying is your baby's most important way of communicating and being close to you. If your baby is full, dry and comfortable, they may just want to be safe in your lap for a little while.


Thrush on the tongue

Suddenly your baby sticks out a little white tongue instead of a pink one. Thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth which many small babies get.


Treating nappy rash

No matter the care you take, it's hard to avoid the skin on your baby's bottom getting red and sore now and then. Nappy/diaper rash, which in rare cases results in nappy thrush and weeping sores, stings and causes pain.


SIDS – reducing the risk

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), or cot death, is rare, but apparently healthy babies are still found lifeless in bed, with no warning at all.



Colic is not really harmful. It tends to disappear by the time the child reaches 3-4 months. But taking care of a colicky baby night after night can be extremely frustrating and tiring for new parents.


Painful and tender nipples

Ouch! Your nipples can really hurt during those first few days of breastfeeding. It does get gradually easier, and the pain will go away. Here's some advice that may help.


Blocked milk duct lumps

Lumps or knotty areas in the breast are not uncommon when breastfeeding, but if left untreated can progress to a painful condition in which the milk ducts became blocked or plugged; also known as 'caked breast'. Here are a few tips.


Baby carrier, sling or wrap

A baby carrier on your front or a baby sling are wonderful for carrying your baby in the first few months. Your baby gets to be close to you while you can move around more freely.


The newborn baby from head to toe

In your arms you're holding a tiny baby, who is wrinkly, red and fragile. It might be good to know this about your newborn baby.


Starting preschool - induction

When your child starts preschool, it marks the start of a new chapter in all of your lives. Allow plenty of time for the induction process to get your child off to a good start.


Travelling with young children

Early babyhood is a good time for travelling, as your baby will be sleeping a lot of the time. Make the most of your baby's chilled outlook on life and book a relaxing first holiday for your new little family. This will be a nice break for everyone and help to build the family bond.


Vegetarian food for young babies

If you're a vegetarian, you may want your child to follow the same diet. This is absolutely fine, but often requires a bit of planning to make sure that your child gets all the important nutrients they need.


Your baby's first teeth

Is your baby teething? When the baby's first teeth start appearing, it can cause painful, itching gums and general discomfort.


Being a single parent

If you are a single parent, a large, active social network is the best support you can have. It needn't be difficult to build up this network. Start here.


Childproofing your home – check list

It's best to childproof your home before your infant starts crawling or standing up. Go through the check list below to reduce the risk of accidents.


Cradle cap

Some children develop cradle cap on their scalps. It looks like greyish-white scaly patches and is caused by dead skin cells and sebum from the sebaceous glands. Cradle cap, the medical name for which is seborrhoeic dermatitis, is completely harmless.


Enjoy your maternity leave – the world can wait

It is easy to forget that your child's mood and needs will determine how you can spend your time during your parental leave. Any plans to do up your house, catch up with people at work and tend the garden during your leave may not be first priority. But just enjoying life is a very good idea.


Delicious desserts

Desserts are good for kids - provides they're healthy Fruit and berries are ideal, but avoid chocolate pudding and ice cream. And small children shouldn't eat salty snacks like crisps.


Essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals for children

We're often reminded about the importance of a varied and balanced diet for both children and adults. But what does that actually mean? Here are some tips about the nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed as your child grows.


The cold and frostbite

Has your child's hand slipped out of the mitten, so their fingers are ice cold? Is the tip of their nose white, or do their cheeks have pale patches? Read up, so you know how to deal with frostbite and hypothermia properly should an accident happen.


Your child's motor development from 6 to 18 months

Crawling, walking, gripping, standing... there's no point trying to speed up a baby's development. Each child is unique, and even siblings differ from each other. If your baby is healthy, it will develop in its own time.


20 helpful tips about feeding infants

Here are some practical tips about infants, food and eating habits.


A baby's sleep at 6 to 8 months

The sound of a little child sleeping soundly is a wonderful thing. Your child is growing and can now go for longer without eating. Hopefully, this means your child will sleep better at night. Here are a few tips.


A baby's sleep at 3 to 6 months

From the age of about 4 months, your baby can tell the difference between night and day. Now you can all start enjoying more regular sleeping habits. Now is the time to introduce bedtime routines and a teddy bear.


Learning to talk

Young children babble, make sounds and enjoy listening to the family talking. At around six months, your child will start using their own conscious sounds and at about a year old, they could say their very first words. When this happens it's usually a big event in the family.


Infant swimming

On an infant swimming course, you swim with your baby under the supervision of a qualified infant swimming instructor. The general aim of infant swimming is to build water confidence and teach infants to enjoy the water in a respectful way.


Illnesses in young children

Sudden spots, fever or tummy ache. Sometimes it may be a well-known childhood illness, other times an unknown virus. Here we tell you about some of the commonest illnesses affecting young children.


How do I choose a nursery school?

Time for nursery school? A new chapter of life starts now. But what's the right choice for you? Sibling groups, special teaching methods, private or municipal nursery? This is an important decision that can be difficult. Below are a few questions that could help you make the right choice.


Games for babies and toddlers

Children don't just play for the fun of it - play is essential for their development.


Food allergies and food intolerance in children

Milk and eggs are common allergens affecting young children. In most cases, the problem goes away within a few years, but other allergies may turn up instead.


First babysitting

It can be difficult leaving your child with a babysitter for the first time. It's important not to do it too early, both for the child's and your own sake. However, you may feel a strong need to relax and do adult activities. Weight up the pros and cons and do what you feel is best.