It’s teeny-tiny – only 0.5 mm at this point – but it’s there! The egg has attached to the uterine wall and is getting nutrients from the rich blood vessels that surround it. The placenta continues to develop around it, which will supply the foetus with everything it needs throughout the pregnancy. At this point, various parts of the foetus begin to develop and land in the right place. The first nerve cells and the spine begin to develop. Some of the cells form the beginning of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, while others become the start of the skin, muscles and blood vessels.
Does everything in the fridge smell gross? Can you smell someone’s perfume from a mile away, or do you want to throw up when you get out of bed in the morning? These are some of many early signs revealing that you’re pregnant. If this isn’t your experience, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not pregnant. Some people don’t notice anything unusual at all at first. Somewhere around weeks 4-6, your body will begin to produce the pregnancy hormone known as hCG. It is secreted via the urine, and if you got pregnant the natural way, you will soon be able to take a pregnancy test to see if you’re pregnant. If you’ve done IVF, you know you can take a test just two weeks after the egg is inserted. If the test is negative but you still feel like something is up in your body, then wait a few days and take another test. Sometimes people take the test too early – the pregnancy hormone hasn’t had a chance to reach a measurable amount yet. If you see a little blood when wiping or in your knickers, not to worry – some people experience spotting when the egg implants in the uterine wall. This is completely harmless and nothing to worry about.
Around weeks 4-6, your partner will start to produce the pregnancy hormone, called hCG. It is secreted through the urine, and this is what indicates whether you’re pregnant in a pregnancy test. We suggest looking at the test result together – this way you can share all of the feelings that arise, no matter what the test shows. If you get pregnant through IVF, a pregnancy test may have already been done. The pregnancy weeks are counted a little differently in that case, and the test is taken two weeks after the egg is inserted. Your partner might be feeling tired or nauseous already at this point; that’s completely normal and good to know for the person who isn’t carrying the baby. Offer support where you can and let your partner know that eating multiple, smaller meals can help keep nausea at bay. Because food can trigger nausea, it’s a good idea for you to wear the chef’s hat for now.