Trying articles


Implantation bleeding or menstruation?

Sometimes a woman may experience bleeding around the time that her period is due to start. This is called implantation bleeding and has nothing to do with menstruation but is actually a sign of early pregnancy. But how can you tell the difference? Read on to learn what implantation bleeding looks like, and how to distinguish it from menstruation.



It doesn’t really matter why it happens or how long you were pregnant – a miscarriage is often a very difficult experience to go through and the time it takes to process your grief can vary.


In vitro fertilisation (IVF)

In vitro fertilisation, or IVF, is a procedure whereby the actual fertilisation process takes place outside the body in vitro, which is a Latin term meaning “in glass”, hence the commonly used term “test tube baby”, although modern IVF procedures use a culture dish rather than an actual test tube.


Secondary infertility – difficulty getting pregnant again

After a while, you may find yourself longing for more children and a sibling for your first child. But sometimes it can be difficult to get pregnant again. In this article we discuss secondary infertility, what can cause it and the types of help and treatment that are available.


When should you take a pregnancy test?

When is it possible to use a pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant, does it matter which test you buy, and can pregnancy tests really be trusted?


Everything you need to know about ovulation

How can you work out when ovulation occurs, and how does it impact the chance of getting pregnant? In this article we help you recognise the symptoms and signs of ovulation.

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Fertility treatments and assisted reproduction

The use of various aids to help women get pregnant is becoming increasingly common. But what are the different types of treatments that are available, and for whom are they suitable?


Involuntary infertility

Sometimes you long desperately for a child but just can’t seem to get pregnant, despite your best efforts. So why is it difficult for some people to get pregnant, when is it possible to seek help, and what is the best way to deal with the frustration, sorrow and constant disappointment of not being able to get pregnant?


How to improve the chance of getting pregnant

If you are longing for a child, there are a number of things you can do – and avoid – to improve the chance of getting pregnant, regardless of whether you are the one who wants to get pregnant or an expectant partner.


How a fertility investigation is performed

A fertility investigation, or infertility evaluation as it is also called, can provide answers as to why you are unable to get pregnant despite all your best efforts. In this article we discuss how a fertility investigation is performed, and who you should contact if you need help.