
Month 10

Month 10: Your Baby

Stairs: simply fascinating

For your baby, learning to stand means there are even more exciting opportunities to go exploring! It’s so much fun to open drawers, and stairs are the most fascinating discovery of all. At ten months old, you don’t understand why you aren’t allowed to crawl up and down the stairs over and over and over. Why are adults such a drag? Constantly picking you up and moving you away! At this point, your baby likely understands the world – but don’t count on that having any significance.

Month 10: Parent

Food – the best toy in the world

It is really fun for your baby to eat on their own – as a parent, you might see it differently, but try to think about it from your baby’s perspective. Food has an incredible consistency. If they have permission to try, babies learn to eat on their own faster and to eat lots of different things. They think it’s fun to smack their lips and make silly sounds. As a parent, you get to decide where the limit is, but remember that babies who are granted permission to play with their food will often develop a healthy attitude to mealtimes. Let that be a bit of a consolation as you get down on all fours to wipe up yet another mess!