
Month 42

Month 42: Your Baby


Three-year-olds are not as self-centred as two-year-olds, so they usually play well together. At this age, children might be able to resolve conflicts with their friends, given enough time. When kids start to play together, they learn the basic rules of friendship. They notice that they prefer to play with some friends over others. Some of their playmates are really on the same wavelength and that makes playing more fun. They understand each other completely! This can be a really fun discovery. As parents, there may be times when you don’t understand their choice of friends – but you’re not the one playing.

Month 42: Parent

Just won’t listen!

Sometimes it will feel like you’re banging your head against a wall. You can say ‘let’s go’ ten thousand times without your child reacting. You stand in the hall as the levels of stress and frustration begin to rise. Your child might choose not to listen for any number of reasons, and it isn’t at all certain that any of them are about defying you. They might think you’re talking too much and have decided to shut out your voice. Honestly, parents talk a lot. All day long, we’re demanding something from them and it has to be here and now – NOW, not later. Avoiding listening may also be your child’s approach to avoiding conflict. It can also be very entertaining to test your parents’ limits. Some kids are so focused on what they’re doing that they simply don’t hear you – they are actually concentrating that hard. Try these tips: Listen to your child when they talk. Can you place your hand on your heart and swear that you’ve never shut out your child’s voice? Explain one thing at a time to your child. Establish real contact. Avoid shouting from the other end of the room. If you’re standing right next to them and making eye contact, it will be harder for your child to not hear you. Notice moments when your child really listens to you – and heap on the praise!